The Tragic Story of John Harter at Kings Island

In the early 1980s, John Harter was the classic athletic, popular kid at his high school in Delaware, Ohio—a relatively small town just outside the state capital. But unlike the typical stereotype of high school jocks as arrogant bullies, John was none of those things. He was incredibly friendly, warm-hearted, and seemed to get along

The Final Descent: A Tragic Tale from Sevnica

Sevnica is a gorgeous town in the heart of Slovenia, nestled right along the Sava River—one of the longest rivers in Europe. The section of the Sava that flows past Sevnica was once a beloved destination for kayakers and canoers. That was until 2008, when a hydroelectric dam was constructed across the river. This dam

One Evening in February of 2011

One chilly February evening in 2011, Yang—a man in his 30s—sat down for dinner in his modest home in a remote rural village in China. At the table were his five elderly aunts, with whom he lived and cared for. In Yang’s world, silence was not unusual. Born with a disability that made speech nearly

The Miraculous Incident on Interstate 74

At 5:15 p.m. on June 28, 1980, a 38-year-old man named Robert Davidson rode his motorcycle along Interstate 74 in Acton, Indiana—a small community just outside Indianapolis. Sitting on the back of the motorcycle with her arms wrapped around him was his wife, Wanda. They were headed to visit family, not out of eagerness to

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