

Is there life after death

Is there life after death? | Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder

Let’s discuss the concept of physics related to deceased grandmothers. A young man once asked a physicist whether his grandmother, whom a shaman claimed was still alive due to quantum mechanics, could be right. The physicist explained that it was not quantum mechanics but Einstein’s theory of special relativity that mattered. It pertained to the

Iceberg of Dark Matter and Dark Energy Explained

Iceberg of Dark Matter and Dark Energy Explained

The universe contains many phenomena, from minor to significant, hot to scary, and visible to invisible. However, everything we see only makes up 5% of what should exist for the universe to function correctly. The remaining 95% comprises dark matter and energy, which are elusive and challenging to study. Dark matter is invisible to us

Why Is Blue So Rare In Nature

Why Is Blue So Rare In Nature?

The rarity of blue in nature is highlighted because no vertebrate, bird, mammal, or reptile has been found to make a blue pigment on its body. While animals come in pretty much every color, blue is the rarest, making blue animals look more astounding when we find them. In contrast to other colors, blue doesn’t

Is it Cruel to Use Bees as Digital Sensors

Is it Cruel to Use Bees as Digital Sensors?

The use of honey bees as explosives detection specialists has become a reality. This article provides an overview of collecting, qualifying, training, and transforming these pollen collectors into experts in explosive detection. The journey begins with collecting honey bees from their hives using a specially designed handheld device. The bees are then safely transferred to

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