What Would Happen If You Spent 5 Seconds on Venus

What Would Happen If You Spent 5 Seconds on Venus?

Step into Venus, a scorching inferno that awaits you. While some liken it to Earth’s twin, this fiery realm bears no resemblance to your familiar abode. Prepare yourself to witness the relentless heat of this unforgiving landscape. Welcome to Venus, a place that might make you believe you’ve arrived in hell itself. Your task is […]

Is there life after death

Is there life after death? | Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder

Let’s discuss the concept of physics related to deceased grandmothers. A young man once asked a physicist whether his grandmother, whom a shaman claimed was still alive due to quantum mechanics, could be right. The physicist explained that it was not quantum mechanics but Einstein’s theory of special relativity that mattered. It pertained to the

What are the reasons why pornography is harmful, and how do they affect individuals?

Firstly, viewing pornography leads to false dopamine hits that make individuals feel guilty and ashamed, resulting in a low-frequency state on the vibration chart. This low frequency attracts negative things into one’s life, while high-frequency states, such as self-actualization, happiness, fulfillment, and gratitude, repel negativity. Secondly, constant viewing of pornography leads to porn-induced erectile dysfunction,

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