When Will We Become a Type 2 Civilization

The Real Truth About What Humanity Will Look Like When it Becomes a Type 2 Civilization

A Type 2 Civilization, according to astrophysicist Michio Kaku, refers to a civilization that has mastered the energy output of its real host star. As Humanity continues to make advancements in science and technology, many wonder what our civilization will look like once we reach this level.

This article will delve into the real truth about what Humanity can expect when it becomes a Type 2 Civilization.

The Emergence of Intelligence and Civilizations in the Universe

Robin Hansen, Daniel Martin, Calvin McCarter, and Jonathan Paulson, scientists, delve deep into the idea that humanity emerged very early in the timeline of civilizations that emerged in the universe.

Given our current understanding of exoplanets, it’s important to acknowledge that while the Earth may be seen as a unique planet, it is not so uncommon. Thus, it cannot be discounted that other planets could also give rise to intelligent life.

The Hard Step Model of Civilization Evolution

In 1983, theoretical physicist Brandon Carter delved into the probability of intelligent life appearing on Earth within a limited time frame.

He saw this as a challenging task and concluded that certain crucial steps, such as the evolution of eukaryotes leading to the emergence of intelligence, would have been a difficult feat given the available time. Hence, it’s unlikely that these steps would have been accomplished on most Earth-like planets in nearby extra-solar systems.

In conclusion, Carter’s calculations can be stated that to attain the level of our technological civilization, six arduous steps must be traversed: biogenesis, the evolution of bacteria, the evolution of eukaryotes, combo genesis or sexual reproduction, the evolution of metazoans, and the evolution of intelligence. Carter drew this conclusion based on the time frame of our own evolution.

The Classification of Aliens: Loud and Quiet

The article focuses on dividing aliens into two types: loud and quiet.

Loud aliens are life forms that grow rapidly, have long lifespans, and change their volume significantly, while quiet aliens do not meet these criteria. Due to their elusive nature, the density of quiet aliens is harder to determine, making them more difficult to spot. On the other hand, loud aliens are much more visible as they exist in large numbers.

Three Models of Loud Alien Behavior

The article further explores the concept of loud aliens and presents three models for their behavior.

The first model examines the number of steps required for the origin of an alien life form. The second model analyzes the transformation of a quiet alien into a visible, loud one. The third model, developed by scientist David Moore, considers the speed of expansion of civilization.

In these models, civilization emerges at some point, transforms into an expansive civilization, and spreads until it encounters another civilization. To a controlled extent, other civilizations are prevented from becoming visible to us, creating a typical cycle with parameters that make them invisible.

The Paradox of a Vast Civilization and the Lack of Observation

The vast civilization has domination over 40 to 50% of the universe and is expected to have control over a million galaxies when we encounter one of them in 200 million years.

This paradoxical outcome is due to the speed of light. If these expansive civilizations already have control over such a large portion of the universe, why have we not received any electromagnetic radiation from their distant galaxies?

The article by Robin Hansen, Daniel Martin, Calvin McCarter, and Jonathan Polson provides models that can help us deduce the early emergence of humankind. The hard step model developed by Carter has two key components: the number of steps required and the time frame in which they must be completed.

The Early Emergence of Humankind in the Universe

By manipulating these parameters, Hansen and his colleagues have demonstrated that the only plausible explanation for the lack of observable civilizations is that humans emerged early in the universe’s history of civilizations.

This assumption is based on the assumption of at least two hard steps and considering the limitations of habitable planets.

According to this theory, we have the status of being the first civilization in the universe.

The First Level of Civilization: Type 1

Nikolai Kardashev’s 1964 proposal of the Kardashev Scale categorizes civilizations by their energy consumption levels. Humanity is only reaching the first level of civilization, referred to as a planetary or typed 1 civilization.

This classification is based on utilizing all the energy sources available on the planet, such as solar and air energy, as well as all the energy that can be produced, such as hydro and wind energy. Kardashev believed that this type of civilization represents a technological level close to what is currently achieved on Earth.

The Advancements of Type 1 Civilization

According to physicist Michio Kaku, once we reach type 1 civilization status, we can control natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and weather patterns.

The issue of global warming will be resolved, and underwater living will cease to be a fantasy from comic books and become a tangible reality with the possibility of people residing in ocean cities. Kaku estimates it will take approximately 100 to 200 years to reach this level of advancement.

Interplanetary Status: Type 2 Civilization

A type 2 civilization starts its exploration of the cosmos, relying primarily on energy sourced from the Sun and other celestial bodies. This will elevate humanity to an interplanetary level, harnessing the full energy potential of this star, thereby making us a type 2 civilization.

However, we are still distant from utilizing Saturn’s rings as space turbines or converting Mars into a potato farm. It may take humankind anywhere from a thousand to two thousand years to reach such milestones, yet it’s still not as long as it will take for us to reach type 3.

The Distant Future: Type 3 Civilization

Ultimately, a Type 3 civilization represents a completely distinct stage of evolution. It could take humanity hundreds of thousands of years or more to reach this level. According to the Kardashev Scale, a Type 3 civilization has harnessed the energy of its entire galaxy.

Until humanity achieves this level of energy utilization, we cannot attain the status of a Type 3 civilization. However, by the time we reach Type 3, we will have likely evolved into a hybrid of biological and cybernetic beings.


Kardashev originally limited his theory to three types. Still, futurists of the time believed that if humanity reached Type 4 and could harness the energy of the entire universe, then Type 5 would operate at the level of the Multiverse, drawing energy from multiple universes.

The existence of Type 6 is uncertain, as it would require beings capable of controlling time and space, creating universes at will – essentially, gods. Scientists cannot even begin to conceive what a Type 7 civilization would entail.

Reality reminds us that humanity is just beginning its journey toward a Type One civilization. Using renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines is a tangible reality.

However, our lack of responsibility towards ecological and climate problems raises questions about our future. We may end up living in underwater cities, not by choice but as a repeating fate of the people of Atlantis.

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