Solar Boys’ Mystery Solved

In the late afternoon of May 1st, 2016, in a little rural town in Pakistan, two young brothers, 13-year-old Shoaib Ahmed and his 9-year-old brother Abdul Rashed, were having the time of their lives chasing a soccer ball across a dusty plane. Abdul, the younger of the two, was quick on his feet and skilled with the ball. He managed to kick a line-drive shot right at the net, but at the last second, the goalie jumped and blocked the shot. Abdul threw his hands up in exasperation, but he was having a blast playing with his brother and the neighborhood kids.

As much fun as they were having, the boys were also mindful of the setting sun behind the mountains. The moment they noticed it, their expressions went dead serious. They rushed back home without saying a word to their friends, who watched them in bewilderment.

Upon reaching their home, Shoaib collapsed on the porch, his limbs going stiff, and his jaw locking up, rendering him unable to speak. Abdul, instead of helping his brother, stepped over him and ran into the house. He made it to his bed just in time to collapse, with his body rigid, and his jaw locked shut. It was a typical night in their household.

The following day, a convoy of fancy cars carrying scientists from Pakistan’s Institute of Medical Sciences descended on the village. They had heard about the strange condition that befell the brothers every night and wanted to determine if it was real. However, due to their late arrival, they found Shoaib and Abdul playing outside as if nothing was amiss.

The villagers called the boys the “solar boys” because they were normal during daylight but became paralyzed and mute at night. People assumed it was a ruse for attention or a money-making scheme, but their father vehemently denied such claims. He just wanted to find a solution for his sons.

The scientists decided to study the boys. They collected blood and urine samples, tested their balance and coordination during the day, and observed them during the night when paralysis set in. The boys’ rigidity and immobility during the night baffled the scientists, convincing them that this was no act or hoax.

The villagers and local doctors had their theories, but none offered a conclusive explanation. The boys’ father had been searching for help for years without success. It wasn’t until a TV news reporter showcased their condition on national television that Dr. Javed Akram, a respected doctor, saw the story and decided to investigate.

Dr. Akram’s team conducted extensive research and tests. Ultimately, in May of 2017, after a year of research, Dr. Akram believed he had discovered the cause of the boys’ condition and had a simple solution. He decided to run one more experiment to confirm his theory. He gave the boys a dopamine pill during their nightly paralysis, and within an hour, they were up and about, smiling and joking.

The scientists had identified a rare mutation in the boys’ genes. Their brains shut down dopamine production every night, causing their paralysis. The simple solution was a dopamine pill. With this discovery, Abdul and Shoaib could finally live normal lives by taking their pills every night.

Their story, a tale of resilience and the relentless pursuit of answers, proved that sometimes the strangest mysteries have the simplest solutions. Thanks to the dedication of Dr. Akram and his team, two brothers who were once known as the “solar boys” could now enjoy their days and nights without the shadow of paralysis.

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